Facts of interest of Las Tunas
Climate and seasons
The weather in Las Tunas - Ruta del Sol. Different seasons, important dates with great influx of tourism
Considers these data to come smoothly to Las Tunas. Costs hotels, gastronomy, activities and tours in Las Tunasl
Las Tunas has a famous and highly recommended. Seafront restaurant to found a simple but beautiful view, which offers a la carte dishes at a good price but with a unique flavor. This Restaurant called...
Puerto Rico
2 Km North
7 Km North
Isla Salango
8 Km North
Playa Piqueros
10 Km North
Puerto Lopez
11 Km North
3 Km South
Rio Ayampe
3 Km South
La Rinconada
6 Km South
La Entrada
10 Km South
Las Nuñez
11 Km South
More facts
Province manabi
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Calles tierra/asfalto
Plazas alojamiento incierto