Playa de Salaite
It is located in the canton of Puerto fell on the mouth of the Rio Salaite about 50 minutes from the city of Manta.
Salaite has an area of 2km long, its dark sand, comprised of slopes, cliffs and an island that originates from the coastal plain to the coast.
In Salaite you can enjoy water sports, hiking, boating and other activities.
SALATE beach with a quiet and relaxed space for tourists. Here you can see beautiful sunsets and landscapes.
Useful information:
- Distance from Guayaquil: 430 km. Approx .;
- Quito distance: 465 km. Approx.
- Bus estimated price: $ 8.00 (Guayaquil), $ 9.00 (Quito)
- Estimated time: 5: 00hs (Guayaquil) 5: 30hs (Quito);
8 Km South
Puerto Cayo
8 Km South
Parque Nacional Machalilla
10 Km South
Agua Blanca
15 Km South