Playa Rio Verde

Green River is a beach in the province of Esmeraldas. It belongs to the canton of Rio Verde. Urban villages closest to the coast are approximately 2 km Palestine and strong Rock about 11 km.

Rio Verde Beach has an area of ​​800 meters, it is open to the west coast where the mouth of the Rio is green. Along the beach you can find shells and rocks.

The sand is gray and fine texture with spots of ferrite, coastal seabirds not stop visiting this coast eg laughed gull, royal tern, common tern, neotropical cormorants, brown pelicans.

Green River recreational activities has to do with playing football, hiking, Ecuadorian volleyball, etc. Tourism in this area is of local significance but the nature of the place continues to provide its magic and attractive.

The form of access to green Rio is through the bus companies as Costeñita and Pacific (from Esmeraldas). The circulation time is 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., with a frequency of 45 minutes covering a distance of 115 km.


Playa Africa

15 Km North

Rio Verde

0 Km South

Playa Camarones

18 Km South

Playa Pauifi

27 Km South
