Transport in Manglaralto

Manglaralto transport information: Taxi, Buses and other means to reach

Manglaralto has its own taxi company "Manglaralto Express" also you can find taxis Montanisol agency.

On the road (Ruta del Sol) you can use three bus companies to make the CLP travel is what makes the route Guayaquil -. Montanita - Direct Olon (you can easily download in the village, and take if empty bus recommend go to Montanita to travel to Guayaquil). Citup to go anywhere in the province of Santa Elena and Manglaralto, to anywhere in the province or to reach Manta.


Taxi Express Manglaralto

Location: Rivers, between Calle August 10 and 24 May by the beach Cyber ​​net.

Phones: 0968635659 / 0968267367 ´

Taxi service in Manglaralto.

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