Get in to Manglaralto
Transport in Manglaralto
Manglaralto transport information: Taxi, Buses and other means to reach
How to travel from Guayaquil
From Guayaquil to Manglaralto it is possible to travel by bus, taxi or private car. By bus we have two main alternatives, Direct bus or bus by transhipment in Santa Elena. Direct Bus: From the bus terminal...
Bus terminals
No Terrestrial terminal in Manglaralto. (Buses stops on specific points such as roads or special stops)Taxis
There are taxi companiesTaxi Express Manglaralto
Location: Rivers, between Calle August 10 and 24 May by the beach Cyber net.
Phones: 0968635659 / 0968267367 ´
Taxi service in Manglaralto.