Isla Corazon

Heart Island is named because its shape is heart, is located on the estuary of Rio Chone.

The wildlife refuge protects Frigates Heart Island and two islands and 800 hectares of mangroves.

One of the most popular highlights are the passages that run throughout the island Heart dense mangrove below, we can see from inside the flora and fauna of the island.

Birds are the most captivating point of this wildlife refuge. It is known one of the largest frigates Latin Ameria and list of a hundred birds to the two islands, including darter (Anhinga anhinga) and threatened hummingbird bumblebee (Bombus Acestrura).


About Rio Chone (near the mouth between Bahia de Caraquez and Saint Vincent)


Playa los Perales

7 Km North

San Vicente

8 Km North

Bahía de Caraquez

8 Km North

San Clemente

20 Km South
